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2021 Important Cybersecurity Notice from eNet

by | Jul 12, 2021 | Hosting, Newsletter

Effective Jan 1, 2022, all existing and future clients of eNet Web Services will be hosted with secure offline backups by default, unless the client has opted out of this service with written notice.

You Are Not 100% Secure Without Offline Backups

2021 has seen an astronomical rise in cyber security threats to small businesses, both to their online presence, as well as their internal systems. Here at eNet Web Services, we have an excellent vantage point on this threat to small businesses. With more people than ever working from home, the opportunities that cyber criminals have are on the rise, and their toolkits are growing.

As an existing client on our lower $50/month plan, your service does not include secure offline backups. Only online cloud backups going back 90 days are included. As of August 1st, under this plan when your website becomes compromised or falls victim to a ransomware attack, eNet will only be able recover your site to the extent the cloud backups allow. Ransomware and other cybersecurity threats may compromise anything that is online, meaning the online backups could themselves be compromised as well. In best case scenarios we can recover sites without the need to charge for emergency services, but this is not guaranteed due to the nature of these attacks. While you will continue to receive web hosting services, WordPress updates, and general site maintenance (small content changes), we recommend upgrading to a plan that includes offline backups for extra peace of mind.

How eNet Maintains Secure Offline Backups

These backups are made manually, with your site undergoing a through scanning process to make sure it is not compromised. These are then downloaded and stored on storage that is not in any way connected to the internet. In the case a major attack takes out an entire hosting company (like GoDaddy or HostMonster), we are able to rebuild your site on a different host entirely using these backups.


Offline Backup Pricing

  • $150/month for your first website
  • Discounts available for multiple websites
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