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Method 1: Target Existing Customers with Mass Texts

If you found your way here from our mass text message, you might already have some idea of the potential of this marketing tactic. The benefits of using text messages as a marketing tool are wide and varied. To put it simply, text messages make it easier for you to put your content in front of your clients. They have a much higher opening and click-through rate than emails. 

Actual Text Sent Out:

(from a real client of eNet Web Services)

SMS and MMS marketing

Page Linked in Text:

Quality MMS marketing

Method 2: Find New Customers Via On-Site SEO Services

By creating content designed to match profitable search queries, eNet can help you generate leads from brand new clients! In the below example, you can see that eNet comes up first in Manhattan for Web Services.

Location-Targeting Page made to be found in a specific location:

SMS and MMS marketing

The Page Itself:

Quality MMS marketing
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